Monday, July 13, 2015


Tired of clicking and farming for your base? try this coc bot. It is very easy to install and easy to use.
just click on this link and farm all you want!


How To Get Rich in Clash of Clans

Have you ever wondered how to gain millions in Clash of Clans every day? Once you get to higher townhall level you find yourself asking the question ‘What is the best way to farm in Clash of Clans?’ or ‘What is the best way to gain Dark Elixir in Clash of Clans?’
Some people look for a Clash of Clans Hack, but the answer is much easier than that. The answer is a Clash of Clans bot that automatically farms gold, elixir and dark elixir. by automatically attacking, training and playing Clash of Clans for you.  We continuously improve the attacking algorithm for our Clash of Clans bot so that it is able to use appropriate attacking strategies depending on your army composition and the enemy base layout.

How Does a Bot in Clash of Clans Help Me

Our Clash of Clans Bot can help you do many things in Clash of Clans very fast. For those who want to gain trophies, you can use our automatically Trophy Pushing to raise your trophies to your desired level. For those who aren’t really interested in spending hours on upgrading one wall, our automatic farming and wall-upgrade makes upgrading your walls quick and easy. Just imagine getting maxed out walls in just a few days and you don’t have to do a thing!
If you don’t have max storage’s every day then you are missing out and getting behind! The Clash of Clans bot makes five builders seem like nothing, even at higher townhalls as you will always have more than enough gold and elixir. Many of our members keep a builder open to automatically upgrade walls so their gold and elixir gains are never wasted.

What else does the Clash of Clans Bot do?

Our Clash of Clans Bot doesn’t just automatically train troops and raids, it does everything in between as well. Our Clash of Clans Bot will do everything you would do. It will stay online 24/7 so you are never raided, during that time our clash of clans bot can be collecting your resources, rearming your traps, donating and requesting troops. Each and every one of the features is easily customization to do exactly what you want it to do.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

10 signs a man loves you

Not all men exhibit the same signs when they are in love with a girl. The signs men give when they are in love differs depending on their conditioning and nature. There are absolutely no generalizations about signals that suggest a man is in love. It’s easy to predict when a teenager is in love but it is more difficult with men because they are more conservative, or confused, about expressing their emotions. So here are some generic signs a man is in love with you.

Top Signs a Guy is in Love

Listed below are 10 signs a man is in love. These are signs that are apparent in most guys who are in love with a girl. No one guy is bound to exhibit all the signs, but you can find one or more signs in his behavior. As a girl, you should not take these signs on their face value and assume that the guy is in love with you. If he exhibits these signals it just means that there is higher probability that he is in love with you.

1.) He behaves shy around you

He might be an extrovert of the highest nature but he behaves shy when he’s talking to you. This can be taken as definite sign that the man is in love and that you hold a special place in his heart.

2.) He calls you on some pretext or the other

If it becomes obvious that he called you for no specific reason but just to talk to you, though he cites some made up reason, then you can sure that he is interested in you. He might even send messages or emails specifically with the intention of initiating contact.

3.) He tries to make eye contact with you ever so often

Whenever you are around he tries to make eye contact with you. Whenever you look at him you see him looking at you either directly or overtly. These are obvious signs that he has a crush on you.

4.) He has a different body language when you are around

You can see an apparent change in his body language when he sees you around. He might unconsciously touch up his face or hair, he might adjust his tie or play with his collar. This would indicate a rush of adrenaline in him whenever you are around, definite sign that a man is in love.

5.) He blushes when you pay him a compliment

People tend to blush when complimented so this is not an obvious sign but if you detect that he blushes specifically around you rather than with others then it would be indicate that he has special feelings for you. This may not be true for all men but a good majority of them.

6.) He stammers while talking to you

When a man is in love and is infatuated with a girl he gets tongue tied while talking to her. This is natural and can be taken as a definite sign that a guy likes a girl in a special way. Though the guy might actually feel miserable about stammering, it looks pretty cute from the girl’s perspective.

7.) He tries to help you with your work

If you see that a guy is making an effort to help you specifically, it would indicate that he is interested in you. He might help you with your office work or may offer to drop you home or pick you up for work, stuff like that. These are signs that a man is in love.

8.) He remembers your birthday

Most men are not good at remembering dates. If he remembers your birthday you can take it as a strong sign of his interest in you. In all likelihood he will get you a birthday gift too.

9.) He gives you preferential treatment

If there are a few girls in your group, or office circle, and you find that he gives preferential treatment to you alone then it would indicate his interest. You might see him smiling at you specifically or he might get you coffee out of his own interest, stuff like that.

10.) He starts improving his personal appearance

If a man is in love, he transforms his external appearance – hairstyle, dressing sense et al – in a short period of time after you came around in his vicinity, it would indicate that he is trying to impress you. Priming up is a definite sign that a man is in love. 

So these are top signs a man is in love with you; remember not to generalize though. You can stay comforted in the knowledge that if a guy likes a girl he will surely make his intention known, even if he is an introvert of the highest kind. Men are like that. 

source: whatdoreallymanthink

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Woman jailed for loud sex noises

Well It sound as though she really was enjoying her sex, so much so that it has landed her in Jail for a couple of weeks after a Judge, in Birmingham, said she was satisfied that during the early hours of 29th January, the time being at around 5am, the defendant was guilty of screaming and shouting whilst having sex at a level of noise which caused nuisance or annoyance.
This is not the first time she has been in trouble with the law, earlier she had been given an           antisocial behaviour order forbidding her from bothering her neighbours after she had been in fights with her boyfriend. She found herself landed in court through having very loud sex on the 29th January, which violated the order.
What the order forbade her from doing was: from playing loud music, shouting, swearing, and making banging noises, stomping and slamming doors, and clearly making loud noises whilst presumably enjoying sex! One neighbour is reported as saying “Gemma started screaming and shouting whilst having sex, which woke us up,” She went on to say that it lasted all of ten minutes.
The Judge in the case Emma Kelly said that she had analysed the antisocial order and was satisfied that this had been breached, she heard from a council housing officer and one of Miss Wales neighbours, the defendant lives a property owned by Birmingham council.
It seem as though making loud noises whilst having sex is not confined to some Birmingham council dwellers, last year a woman on a Virgin Flight to Las Vegas was restrained by cabin crew during a mile high tryst in a rest room!
